Some of Our Recent and Active Projects: 

The projects listed  below conform to the limited disclosure agreements by which trade names or specific details of the venture are kept confidential. The below projects are led by Albridge BDG, Inc. Some of the projects are worked on a joint effort with other independent consulting firms.

Provide comprehensive guidance and array of possible strategic alliances for European Real Estate and Development Group seeking to set up a fiscally advantageous corporate structure with the goal to enter and expand within the commercial/residential real estate market in the USA.


Strategic business representation to the corporation dedicated to the support and worldwide growth and expansion of youth athletes in the MMA world.


Setup of US regional distribution negotiations for HVAC-building materials including U.S. patented products for eventual leap to penetrate the European market.


Leading bi-directional advisory services and coordination of a single common US-German based Law-firm to create the commercial and legal requirements of the law, and commercial expectations of each individual party in lieu of creating a Joint Venture between U.S. based medical Implant company and German based medical company belonging to a multi-billion revenue per year Euro group.


Provide overall supervision and strategic negotiations for US based artisanal leather furniture manufacturer seeking to transition to higher level of industrialization and create verticalization of whole operation by integrating raw material supply and own omni-channel sales options.    


Real Estate and New Venture Consulting for Russia based group. Investors seek opportunities within the American Continent to diversify its wealth allocation.  Special Characteristics: Areas of interest are not limited by the size of the project.


Strategic Consulting Project for Florida based construction company dedicated to remodeling of commercial properties.  Special Characteristic:  The Company’s sole client is the management company for the Goldman Sachs owned hotels throughout the U.S.


Strategic Expansion in the energy field for Lat-Am corporation seeking to supply governments with city, state or even country-wide agreements to replace all public lighting with highest rated commercial LED solutions. Special Characteristics:  The business opportunity allows for interested governments to enter into agreements at zero cost; projects get paid by the resulting savings in energy and financed by 3rd party institutions. 


Strategic, Marketing, Branding, and Operational consulting for Insurance Corporation offering worldwide travel-assistance plans directly to governments and large size corporations. Special Characteristic: The unique product offering brings a zero-cost, profit making option to the government.



U.S. Expansion and Strategic Consulting for U.S. based Corporation leader in the LatAm manufacturing and distribution of frames for glasses. Special Characteristic: Company was the manufacturer and distributor of one of the world's most sought after fashion brand names.